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Write For MyTravelGuidePosts


If you are passionate about traveling and love writing about your personal travel experiences then would like to hear from you!

Guest Post Guidelines

  • I am looking for contributors (and regularly contributing writers) who would love to showcase their writing skills and share their travel experiences with our readers (I'm not looking for articles for the purpose of pitching a business)
  • You will be credited with bylines for your work and a link to your personal blog (non commercial) in the author bio section.
  • Please write "Guest Post" on your email subject so I know you read the guidelines.
  • You own the rights to the content and images and can request to have them removed from my site at anytime.
  • Please check for good grammar and punctuation and proof read before submitting.
  • Travel topics. Please pitch your travel topic of choice. I'm looking preferably for topics on the following destinations: Venezuela, Colombia, Africa, North Korea, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Guyana.
  • I'm not looking for advertorials. If you would like to advertise, please drop me a line at

Also, I check each guest post sent to me before publishing on my site. Please don't send any articles that have been published elsewhere or copied.

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