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Have A Safe Holiday Season – Book a Hotel Room After the Office Party

Tips when Traveling during the Holidays by Car

Christmas is a happy season – a time of celebrations, family gatherings and office parties.

But sometimes at an office party there’s that awkward moment when a co-worker says, with a bit of embarrassment “Maybe we should call you a cab.”

Drinking and driving is not a good combination – that’s a known fact. But isn’t that a really awkward way to end the evening, to leave the party, by having someone call you a cab?

A cab summoned by someone who works for you, or works with you. I didn't like that feeling when it happened to me, and don’t want to repeat it.

But there is an alternative. When you come up with staff Christmas party ideas, book a hotel room next door to the party, and eliminate awkward moments - like having to go back the next day to pick up your car. There are some great Victoria hotels that would love to help out, and can provide a great breakfast the next morning as a pleasant way to wrap up the party experience.

Consider this elegant solution when you plan Christmas party arrangements. What if you’ve decided to host a big gathering for your outlying offices – people will be coming to a central location for the party, and having to drive home that night – sometimes a trip of an hour or two.

When you make reservations, make a Christmas party booking of a number of rooms at your favorite Victoria hotel next door to the party site. Or it may be a Keylowna hotel or Burnaby hotel, depending on where your main office is located and you choose to have the party.

There are excellent hotels glad to contribute to your Christmas staff party ideas and set up a block of rooms for party goers who have had a little too much fun, or have a little too far to drive. It makes the next Monday at work a time to fondly remember and chat about the fun time everyone had, rather than the awkwardness that would come from knowing someone drove when they shouldn’t have.

Imagine the luxury of waking up the next morning in a warm and comfortable hotel room. You don’t even have to prepare breakfast - the wonderful family hotel you’re in will take care of that for you. As you explore the hotel brochure by the bed, you discover they also have a Richmond hotel, and even a better find – a Kamloops hotel – so now you’ve made a staff office party blend with vacation plans.

You enjoy snow skiing in Calgary, but it’s a long trip from Vancouver, and you’ve wanted a good stopover place. The hotel you’re in is so reasonable, the staff so personable, that you feel like you’ve made an excellent discovery. Your Christmas party booking was a great idea!

As you stretch and think about getting up, you envision the alternative – waking up needing to call a cab to take you back to the office party location to pick up your car. That will be awkward, as will Monday morning at the office tiptoeing around how much you drank at the party.

Laying in a hotel bed contemplating breakfast – that’s a much better staff Christmas party idea – and has just paid off wonderfully!

Carol Atkins has been traveling the globe for much of her life.  She loves of all types of travel adventures including island hopping, hiking, cruising and being lazy on the beach :).  She recently visited Kamloops BC and can’t wait to go back! Follow her on twitter@atkins_carol