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Which UK Cities Are The Best To Move To?

Lots of people move house for many different reasons. Some get a job promotion, others simply want to start a fresh slate elsewhere; meanwhile some homeowners want to move to be closer to their family and friends. When you are relocating, you need to look into a few things before choosing a city or town:

1. Check on transportation available near your home
2. Investigate schools for your children
3. Be aware of what the area offers in what you like for recreation
4. Consider your budget and what living space costs
5. Consult with a relocation agent

Of course budget is usually the main aspect to consider. The area that has affordable housing may be somewhat far from your workplace, hence the importance of checking on the transportation. There are some great cities in the United Kingdom that have great schools, accessible transportation, and will be in an area you will love.

Obviously everyone has different tastes; some people prefer the rural lifestyle in contrast to inner-city fanatics. Whether you love a cosmopolitan vibe or the countryside outskirts, there will be the perfect place for your relocation. Here are six great examples of places you should relocate to:


If you are going to move to a city, why not start with the biggest? The capital has some warts but there are great schools and plenty of transportation. If you own a car, the parking situation will need to be considered as most people take the Tube.

Homes and flats of a wide range of prices are available. Overall London is expensive but there are some neighborhoods that may have a surprising price if you investigate fully. The wealth of opportunities are endless.


The city has had a lot of money spent on it recently to attract visitors. Local authorities have been pouring money into new building construction and refurbished many older ones. Schools have been improved as well as libraries and other facilities to make this a terrific home for those interested in relocating there.

Still not convinced? It is the 3rd most visited city in the UK by foreign visitors, the second-best place to do business in the UK; and has one of the country’s largest urban economies.


A £3 billion facelift has contributed mightily to the rejuvenation of the country’s tenth largest city.

New shopping areas, restaurants and hotels have sprung up and there is more on the way. Visitors and residents alike are enjoying the city’s new status as one of the land’s best areas to move to.
It has the largest economy in East Midlands and a diverse ethnic population.


This city, which is home to two universities, has been experiencing a different kind of change. Housing prices average around £119,000. This, with the city’s biotechnology industry, innovative transport development and many corporate home office headquarters makes it attractive to young executives.

There are two large music venues located here that also attracts the young population; it is an ambitious, modern city. It was dubbed as one of the Top 10 Cities to Visit in 2010.


This is the fourth largest urban area in the United Kingdom and it is the largest centre for business, legal, and financial services outside London. It is a ripe area for young professionals relocating.

It has a high employment rate compared to other cities; and the average asking price for a home in Leeds is around £160,000. The office market is the best for value in Europe.


The city of Birmingham has houses very similar in price to those in Leeds. The economy is driven by the areas of public administration, education, and health related services and many financial services companies ply their trade here as well.

What is more, the economy ranks 72nd in the world and 2nd largest in the UK. Relocating to one of these cities will still take a lot of effort. They all have their own attractions but you must be prepared and think carefully about such an important move. You don’t want to make any hasty decisions without being fully informed.

If you haven’t moved across the UK before, a company relocation agent may be your best way to reduce the anxiety of moving to a new town and starting out all over again.
(All images used by permission of Creative Commons license, courtesy of Custard)

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This article was written by Robinson removals, the experts in house moves in the UK and overseas. Visit the site today for an affordable, competitive quote.