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The Biggest Attractions in the World

The world is teeming with areas of spectacular natural beauty and new UNESCO World heritage Sites keep popping up in the most unlikely regions of the world. Everywhere I travel I continue to be astounded and fascinated by the sheer magnificence of Mother Nature and history combined.

Civilizations that inhabited the earth some 3400 years ago have left us with mysterious, unfinished, romantic and alluring evidence of their incredible past that people travel half way around the world to experience. Coming with a list of the world's most amazing tourist attractions is almost impossible since there are so many beautiful attractions in the world to choose from. To make it a little bit easier, I'll go by popularity alone so the following would be the biggest attractions in the world:

Times Square – New York City - over 39 million visitors every year

Iconified as the Centre of the Universe, Times Square is touted as the busiest pedestrian area in the world – at The Crossroads of the World. This is one of the biggest entertainment regions on the planet, with roots that go back to the days of Charlie Chaplin.

And as New York City grew in leaps and bounds, Times Square became the very epicenter of theater, Broadway and music halls as well as some of the trendiest, most upmarket hotels, restaurants and cafes. There was no doubt about it – Times Square was, and still is the place to be seen and to see. Some of the streets have been closed to traffic and are now for pedestrians only, organised in an attempt to reduce the heavy congestion and number of vehicles in the city.

Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral – Paris – 12 million visitors every year

The Notre Dame de Paris of the Notre Dame Cathedral – French for Our Lady of Paris, is located in the French capital. The ancient Roman Catholic Marian cathedral is considered to be one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in the world and is certainly one of the biggest attractions in the world.

It is home to the official chair or cathedra of the Archbishop of Paris and has remarkable stained glass windows, incredible historical relics and religious imagery. It has been painstakingly restored to its former glory after the destructive times of the French Revolution in the 1700s.

The Great Wall of China – Badaling, China – 10 million visitors every year

The Great Wall of China is without a doubt one of the biggest attractions in the world. The legend of the building of the wall over hundreds of years is a huge part of the fascination in this protected world heritage site. Stretching just under 9 kilometres and having a dazzling 2000 year history, officials have actually had to close of sections of the wall that are not managing to withstand the serious influx of visitors to the area each year.

The Wall we see today is the remains of what was built during the Ming Dynasty – the period between 1368 and 1644. There are a number of famous sections of the wall where it starts at Hushan in the eastern corner making its way over the Jiayuguan Pass over in the west, crossing over many regions and ending up in Qinhai. The scenery is incredible, the diversity breathtaking and the architectural feats of genius eons ahead of its time.

One of the biggest areas of fascination about the wall is the construction and how the Chinese managed to build such a massive wall without the modern tools and implements we have today. Entire armies of locals, prisoners and soldiers worked for decades to complete the wall, a testament to the sheer determination and wisdom of the Chinese people.

Tivoli Gardens – Copenhagen, Denmark – 4.4 million visitors every year

The Tivoli Gardens or as it is colloquially known – Tivoli – is a legendary garden and historical amusement park located in Copenhagen in Denmark. The park was officially opened on 15 August 1843 and is the second oldest park of its kind in the world today. It is a seasonal theme park and the 4th most popular one in Europe – only just behind Disneyland Paris.

The founder of the amusement park and garden was given a charter for 5 years from King Christian VIII, after his successful pitch. Georg Carstensen, the man who created the park, told the King that ‘’when people are amusing themselves, they do not think about politics.’’ This of course greatly appealed to the monarch, who organized a whopping 15 acres outside the west gate – or Vesterport – for the purpose of building the gardens and the park. This opulent amusement park has it all in exotic Oriental style and is one of the biggest
attractions in the world today.

The Coliseum – Rome, Italy – 4 million visitors every year

The Colosseum, or the Coliseum, once known as the Amphitheartrum Flavium, is located right in the heart of Rome and is the largest amphitheatre in the world. Widely considered to be the most incredible piece of Roman architecture ever built – it is a stunning and sensational example of dazzling Roman engineering.

It seats 50,000 people and was started in 72 AD and completed in 80 AD under the rule of Titus. Originally used for gladiator contests, famous battles, executions and public fighting, it oddly enough became a Christian shrine later on in the medieval era. Today ,it is a national landmark, and iconic structure that is synonymous with Italy and Rome and can be found on the Italian version of the 5c euro coin.

The Hermitage Museum – St Petersburg, Russia – 2.5 million visitors every year

This iconic museum has an astounding collection of some 3 million exhibits ranging from art, sculptures, archaeological artefacts, paintings and cultural material from all over the world, showcasing centuries of world culture.

The main museum complex is part of the St Petersburg Winter Palace and it also includes the Menshikov Palace and the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory as well as the Hermitage Theatre. It is one of the most important world culture sites with everything from Prehistoric art to contemporary works and has some of the most astounding points of historical interest all in one place.

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